Mechanic Advisor

3 Incredibly Obvious Things Most Car Owners Don't Do

Posted February 18, 2014 by Ken Kupchik

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Every car owner knows that you have to change your oil and put air in your tires. But what about things we forget to do on a regular basis that could save you thousands of dollars? Here are the three most obvious things most car owners neglect that can instantly improve your car's lifespan and keep more money in your wallet:

1) Filling up your gas tank before it's on empty - Most people don't realize that constantly driving on an empty gas tank can be hazardous to your car's health. Sediment from gasoline settles at the bottom of your gas tank. When you constantly let your gas deplete you end up using that dirty gas to power your car and course through your fuel line. Over time, this can cause damage to your vehicle since the fuel filter won't be able to catch all of the sediment and can even damage your engine, resulting in costly repairs. Besides, looking at your gas gauge and seeing a full tank can be one of life's little pleasures.
2) Not neglecting your windshield wipers – In 1903 a real estate developer named Mary Anderson invented the windshield wiper. She would not be happy if she saw how many people neglect her incredibly useful device today. Not changing out your wipers when you see them starting to wear and fray can be a major safety concern. Worn wipers lose their effectiveness and can scratch your windshield permanently and, more importantly, lead to traffic accidents due to decreased visibility. If you live in a snowy climate, make sure you clean the ice from your windshield completely and let it defrost instead of using your wipers to scrape it off as you will undoubtedly rip the wiper blades, costing yourself more money. 

3) Turning your radio off to listen to sounds your car makes - Even though you might not like it, it's wise to turn off your radio sometimes and listen to the sounds your car makes when driving. If you hear any strange noises when accelerating, turning or stopping, you should get to a mechanic as soon as possible. Your car shouldn't make any irregular sounds and if it is, you're doing yourself a disservice by ignoring them. It might be an inconvenience to drive down to the mechanic today, but it will be a lot more of an inconvenience when that brake problem which could have been fixed for hundred of dollars now costs thousands because you didn't want to turn down the Aerosmith.

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