Mechanic Advisor

If You Hate Going to the Mechanic, Take Better Care Of Your Car !

Posted April 24, 2014 by Ken Kupchik

As one of the largest online automotive maintenance and repair resources in the country, Mechanic Advisor gets to hear from thousands of vehicle owners. We also regularly hear from mechanics, so it's interesting to contrast both perspectives when it comes to car care and repair. From consumers,  the question of price and trustworthiness typically comes up when researching mechanics. However, from mechanics, there is frequent concern about people neglecting their vehicles and then becoming upset when expensive repairs creep up. 

Most people really hate going to the mechanic, but many of them don't appear to be willing to do what it takes to avoid having to go see one. Not taking care of your car, ignoring symptoms, letting things get out of control and then getting mad at the repair facility is not good car karma. That being said, sometimes a few bad apple mechanics can try to overcharge you, or recommend services that you don't need, but that's not always the case, and certainly not the case with most mechanics.

So if you really, really don't want to have to go see a mechanic, ask yourself if you're doing any of the following things before you get upset:

1) Not keeping up with regular maintenance - If you don't change your oil according to your vehicle owner's manual (at a minimum), then you will have to see a mechanic sooner than you'd like. If you don't change your air filters, tires, brakes, belts and other parts that get worn, you will have to go see a mechanic after long-term damage has been caused to your car, and at that point, don't complain. 

2) Ignoring problems - If you're hearing creaks and groans, or scraping noises and you just crank the Miley Cyrus louder to cover up the sounds with her soothing vocals instead of taking your car to get repaired, you are essentially forfeiting your right to complain about having to pay for automotive repairs. Car problems aren't the same as a cramp when you're playing football, you can't just "tough it out."

3) Poor driving (and parking) habits - People who drive their cars like they don't care about them, usually don't. Driving like a jerk, not caring about your car and, more importantly, the cars of those around you makes it a lot more difficult to complain when you need your transmission replaced because you were driving like Michael Schumacher on the way to Olive Garden. And if you park your car so that your door is 2 inches from the car next to you, any dings in your door that need repair are your own fault. And I hate you.

4) Buying a notoriously unreliable car - This one may sound cruel, but if it makes you feel any better, I've been guilty of it myself. When I was in high school, I bought a Volkswagen Corrado, against many people's advice. That model car was a well-known lemon, and I had problem after problem from the day I bought it until I sold it in exasperation less than a year later. If you don't do your research and buy a car without putting in any effort to find out publicly available information on problems, which these days is easier than ever to do online, then you you shouldn't be surprised when the car needs work. 

So next time you are upset because you have to go see a mechanic, take a look at this list and make sure that you've followed it before you blame your mechanic for your car's troubles. Just like personal health, your car's health is heavily dependent on you, so take good care of it and you shouldn't have anything to be upset about.