Mechanic Advisor

Auto Care Central

520 W Pioneer Pkwy
Grand PrairieTX 75051
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Auto Care Central
Auto Care Central
Auto Care Central
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Auto Care Central Hours

  • Monday 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM
  • Tuesday 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM
  • Wednesday 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM
  • Thursday 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM
  • Friday 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM
  • Saturday 8.00 AM - 4.00 PM
  • Sunday (Closed)


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  • (972) 264-7000

About Auto Care Central

When you're in need of automotive repairs or even just some routine maintenance, turn to Grand Prairie's vehicle experts at Auto Care Central! We understand how important your car, truck, van or SUV is in this busy day and age - maybe you rely on it to get to work, to get the kids to school, or to do some hauling at the jobsite. Whether you're in need of routine maintenance to keep it in top-notch shape or a serious repair to get it going again, we'll have you back on the road quickly and for a reasonable price! Our ASE Master Certified professional technicians keep up to date with all the latest technological advances in the industry and will take the time to correctly diagnose your vehicle's issues, correct them, and send you off with sound advice for keeping your vehicle in great shape. The Auto Care Central team believes in honesty and friendly service above all else, that's why you'll see us going the extra mile for your vehicle and beating dealership prices day in and day out. Experience the difference for yourself and find out why our customers return to Auto Care Central time and again for all their car care needs! History Established in 1999. For almost 20 years, Auto Care Central has provided reliable repairs and maintenance work to our friends and neighbors of Grand Prairie. Still, we don't rest - we work hard every day to earn your business and to keep up with all the latest technologies and techniques. Our team looks forward to many more years of serving you! Meet the Business Owner Nader Farokhrouz Nader is a true entrepreneur whose success is built upon the great service that he provides to his customers. Alongside his incredible team of professional technicians, Nader helps keep the Grand Prairie community on the road - safely and at a reasonable price. He and his staff welcome you to trust Auto Care Central for all of your auto repair and maintenance needs!

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Business Information

Business Name: Auto Care Central

Address: 520 W Pioneer Pkwy

Phone Number: (972) 264-7000

Email: not listed

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